
Improving Offshore Safety by Managing Human Risk

The safety and predictability of offshore operations could be greatly improved by a new project that seeks to address the risks posed by human behaviors in the oil and gas industry.

An OPEX data scientist reviews smart behavior analysis.
Oil and Gas Technology Centre

The safety and predictability of offshore operations could be greatly improved by a new project that seeks to address the risks posed by human behaviors in the oil and gas industry.

The project, which is supported by the Oil and Gas Technology Centre in partnership with Premier Oil and OPEX Group, will use predictive technologies, data science, and psychology to help organizations understand their unique "behavioral DNA." 

By working with leading behavioral psychologists, predictive technology specialists OPEX Group has devised a new diagnostic service that provides key insights into the behavioral profile of individuals, helping organizations to gain a clear picture of the levels of behavioral risk across their workforce and operations.

Stephen Ashley, Digital Transformation Solution Centre manager for the Oil and Gas Technology Centre, said, “Advances in digital technology present a significant opportunity to improve the safety of operations offshore. We’ve seen predictive analytics and data science deliver improvements in production and efficiency, and we want to achieve even greater gains for safety.”

Jamie Bennett, CEO of OPEX Group, explained more about the project. “Despite decades of training programs, tightening of procedures, and investment in safety cultures, the task of proactively managing human risk remains one of the greatest challenges facing the oil and gas industry today," he said. "Research shows that human errors contribute to as many as 90% of incidents."

Read the full story here.