SPE News

Legion of Honor-2016

SPE welcomes 97 members into the Legion of Honor, which observes 50 years of consecutive membership in the Society.

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SPE welcomes 97 members into the Legion of Honor, which observes 50 years of consecutive membership in the Society. Each honoree becomes dues-exempt and receives a commemorative plaque marking the milestone. The honorees are listed below under their respective sections.

Alaska Section

Gary E. Carlson
John A. Whitney

Amarillo Petroleum Section

Ronald P. Moon

Austin Section

George L. Carlson

Balcones Section

Thomas A. Hillin
David M. Pritchard
David R. Weekley

Billings Petroleum Section

Ronald K. Clark
Clair M. Opsal

Calgary Section

Christopher A. Pratt
Clinton T. Broughton

Dallas Section

Arthur D. Carter Jr.
Gerald R. Coulter
Charles W. Gleeson
Charles W. Rogers
John L. Rowland
Edwin L. Wallace
Herbert G. Weinstein

Delta Section

James F. Hubbard

Denver Section

J. Samuel Butler
Farhad Sarrafian
Myles W. Scoggins Jr.
Douglas S. Sprague
B.A. Wilkinson

East Kentucky Section

Robert E. Fox

East Texas Section

H.D. Liles
Maurice M. Patterson
Owen M. Watkins Jr.
Eric R. Wilson

Evangeline Section

C.A. Bell
Rudolph P. Carrere
Thomas A. Mako
Gene D. Pauling

Ft. Worth Section

Frederick W. Rabalais

Four Corners Petroleum Section

John C. Alexander
William W. Daily
Jack E. Vaughn

Golden Gate Section

Ben F. Phillips Jr.
Robert M. Toronyi

Gulf Coast Section

William D. Boyles
Joe M. Bridges
Mark A. Childers
Ronald D. Christie
William F. Deerhake
James W. Denny III
Robert E. Dreyling
James W. Fairchild
John S. Gardner
Edward J. Gibbon Jr.
Ernest L. Johnson Jr.
Charles E. Konen
David E. Korry
Atul Kumar
William F. Madison
Arvel G. Martin
George E. McDonald
Lindell V. McGuire
Douglas F. North
Bahram Sheikholeslami
A.R. Sinclair
Thomas M. Smith
Timothy J. Smith
Victor D. Stiggins
Billy Taylor
Allen A. Wicke
Ralph W. Baird
Thomas Strenger Proehl

Los Angeles Basin Section

Bruce E. Bernard
Iraj Ershaghi
Thomas E. Fisher
Jimmie D. Grimes
Conrad E. Maher
Richard A. Weaver
Rudolph W. Weibel

Lou-Ark Section

Stephen R. Herbel

Mid-Continent Section

Gary B. Anderson
Daniel R. Hensley
David L. Morrill
Rajagopal S. Raghvan

Mississippi Section

Roger D. Atteberry

Netherlands Section

William J. Abels

New South Wales/Australian Cap Section

Ian T. Dunlop

No Established Section

Jacob M. Heidt (Rocky Mountain Region)
T.K. Kirk (South Central Eastern Europe Region)

North Texas Section

Larry O. Hulsey
Raymond Salmon Jr.

Oklahoma City Section

Carroll L. Brewer
David L. Byers
Thomas J. Garner
Gary W. Spicer

Pacific Northwest Section

Lynn W. Schnell

Permian Basin Section

F.M. Steckel

Queensland Section

Lindsay G. Few

Salt Lake Petroleum Section

Paul M. Dougan

Santa Maria Section

Dennis J. Graue

Southwest Oklahoma Section

Erle C. Donaldson

Western Slope Section

Richard K. Mowrer