SPE News

Legion of Honor-2019

SPE welcomes 86 members into the Legion of Honor, which observes 50 years of consecutive membership in the Society. Each honoree becomes dues-exempt and receives a commemorative plaque marking the milestone. The honorees are listed below under their respective sections.

Legion of Honor in wreath

SPE welcomes 86 members into the Legion of Honor, which observes 50 years of consecutive membership in the Society. Each honoree becomes dues-exempt and receives a commemorative plaque marking the milestone. The honorees are listed below under their respective sections.

Amarillo Petroleum Section

Robert D. Grace

Argentine Petroleum Section

Benjamin Coca

Austin Section

Larry D. McVay

Rex G. Howell

Brazil Section

Newton R. Monteiro

Chennai Section

Braj Nandan

Colombian Section

Florencio Hernandez

Dallas Section

Thomas R. Sifferman

Donald H. Burks

Nelson N. Molina

Philip J. Kreick

Delta Section

James E. Lockwood

Roger D. Linder

Ruel Toups Jr.

Denver Section

John D. Wright

Fabian Oritsebemigho Iwere

James C. Howell

East Texas Section

John A. Musselman

Larry G. Wright

Eastern North America Region

James S. Martin

John E. Peterson Jr.

Evangeline Section

Jack C. Hisaw

Fort Worth Section

Glenn A. Picquet

Leonard West

Franklin A. Hamisch

Jon P. Stephenson

Four Corners Petroleum Section

Douglas W. Hilchie

Golden Gate Section

Hugo Vargas

Gulf Coast Section

Paul N. Stanton

Donald L. Whitfill

Edward J. Hrkel

James C. Erdle

Peter A. Behr

Archie Thompson Jr.

James P. Noser

Prentice R. Owen

Robert N. Bradford

Allan L. Drewa

Alok Jain

Ernest L. Grebe II

Fred R. Holasek

Hal B. Fullerton IV

J. Michael Gatlin

James A. Kishpaugh

John F. Greenip

John L. Morgan

Lamar E. Loyd

Larry J. Kinler

Larry Jay Jenkins

Michael D. Keyes

Olin R. Holt

Richard G. Ghiselin

Robert N. Tuttle

Samuel J. Byington

Illinois Basin Section

Robert C. Herr III

London Section

David W. Garford

Los Angeles Basin Section

Mahmoodur Rahman

Lou-Ark Section

Randal Lewis

Warner T. Smith

Michigan Section

David W. Tongue

Mid-Continent Section

Kenneth L. Haack

Larry O. Miller

Phillip W. Terry

Walter M. Fast

Mississippi Section

Jeff Kirkwood

National Capital Section

James C. New

North Texas Section

Donald J. Hammerlindl

Kenneth C. Haggart Jr.

Paul T. West

William M. Kincaid

Oklahoma City Section

Ernest L. Buttross Jr.

Thomas G. Farrell

Pacific Northwest Section

Russell Harold Trimble

Patagonia Section

Eduardo H. Vila

Permian Basin Section

James F. Lea Jr.

Herbert F. Boles

Joe M. Mach

Joel E. Damron

Thomas E. Gentry

Pittsburgh Section

Robert S. Metcalfe

H.B. Whitehead

Salt Lake City Section

James W. Styler

San Joaquin Valley Section

Jim Hussey

Santa Maria Section

Ted J. Gilbert Sr.

Southwest Texas Section

John W. Norris

Southwestern North America Region

Carmon H. Alexander

Vienna Basin Section

Fritz Boschitsch