Digital oilfield

Field Applications of Constrained Multiwell Deconvolution

This paper applies a new constrained multiwell deconvolution algorithm to two field cases: a gas reservoir with two producers and an oil reservoir with three producers and one injector.


This paper applies a new constrained multiwell deconvolution algorithm to two field cases: a gas reservoir with two producers and an oil reservoir with three producers and one injector. Responses given by the constrained multiwell deconvolution are compared with simulations from history-matched reservoir models. By extraction of well and interwell reservoir signatures, multiwell deconvolution, the theoretical background of which is discussed in detail in the complete paper, allows identification of compartmentalization or unanticipated heterogeneities very early in field life, making adjustments possible for field-development plans and future well locations.


Permanent downhole pressure gauges are installed routinely in most new wells. In theory, they provide invaluable data for monitoring well productivity and formation pressure in real time and for calibrating the reservoir-simulation model.

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