
SPE Certification Offers Revised Online Exam Preparation Course


The Oxford Dictionary defines professionalism as "the competence or skill expected of a professional." Of all of the professional characteristics, competence is one of the few that can be objectively measured through certification by passing a comprehensive exam of technical knowledge.

Being certified, by definition, means that you have a depth of knowledge of your own specific technical discipline as well as a broad understanding of associated disciplines. With the recent trend of working for many companies over a career, credentials may be a deciding factor in what positions are available, including working as an independent consultant. Within some companies, credentials are required to hold certain positions or to be eligible for promotion. SPE offers a Certification Program for engineers with a minimum of 4 years of direct hands on experience in the oil and gas industry.

Preparing for the exam has now been enhanced with a revised SPE Certification and PE Exam Review Course. The revised course includes information related to facilities and general unconventional topics and is offered in a sleek, modern design. It has more than 13 hours of exam preparation material and interactive modules to insure a solid study base to pass the exam.

The SPE Certification exam is offered at over 900 testing centers around the world, and members can register and schedule the exam at their convenience. SPE has been offering the computer-based test (CBT) option for more than 2 years now. With engineers from major companies utilizing CBT, the program is growing and becoming more global.

The preparation course will review questions similar to those found on a typical exam and is intended to help test takers strategically approach the study process. Information on valuable reference materials needed for successful completion of the exam and guidance on understanding the general procedures and requirements for registration will also be covered.

To learn more about the program, and to find out the test center near you, click on the Computer-Based Testing tab under Certification Options section here

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