SPE London Section Launches ELP


The London Section Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) was given its best possible start when 2005 SPE President Giovanni Paccaloni attended the official launch on 6 April 2004. The event was attended by members of the newly formed ELP Committee and young oil and gas professionals affiliated with the SPE London Section.

The SPE London Section intends its ELP to serve as a support platform for young professionals, helping them express their needs, ideas, and plans for moving their careers, and the industry, forward. We organize social events and seminars every month in central London. Considering that the London ELP is still in its infancy, turnout has been very good and feedback has been excellent. Recent events include picnics in Green Park and pub meetings in central London. The September social event featured a pool competition


with members playing in pairs.


Several exciting activities are planned for the future. One of these is to develop a number of “champions” to help guide young professionals and students in line with SPE’s long-term vision. This will involve presentations by ELP members on state-of-the-art technology and technical issues. Judging by the momentum generated in the past year, the London ELP is poised to continue to grow from strength to strength.

For more information, please contact Olugbenga Daini at dainio@rpsplc.co.uk.


Social networking is a highlight in SPE London’s ELP chapter.