Netherlands Section

Last year was an eventful one for the local young professionals (YPs) section in The Netherlands. YPs were introduced to a variety of topics from various organizations, including finance, petrophysics, “green E&P,” and oil and gas industry policies. Financial aspects of the energy business were discussed by a representative from ABN AMRO. The talk included discussion of how facilities have complex financial frames built around the E&P developments.

In another talk, Erik Wielemaker of Schlumberger introduced the concepts of sonic logging in a session on petrophysics. Andries Wever from the Delft Geothermal Project discussed “Green E&P: Geothermal Energy,” including drilling hot water wells and CO2 coinjection. Another session featured Bas Percival from the University of St. Andrews reviewing the relationship among national symbols, cultures, and use of oil products. Finally, the season was concluded with the SPE Netherlands Section barbecue at Delft University.

For more information on the YP Netherlands Section, please contact Andries Wever at       

Andries Wever, Wintershall